Monday, January 29, 2007


Clicking to our Home Town é um projecto de parceira eTwinning entre o Agrupamento de Escolas da Venda do Pinheiro em Portugal e a Publiczna Szkoła Podstawowa nr 1 em Opole, Polónia. Os objectivos deste trabalho estão na rentabilização das TIC, no aprofundar de conhecimentos sobre a União Europeia e no estabelecimento de contactos entre alunos de países muito diferentes que partilham entre si a identidade e herança europeia.

Este blog servirá como um quadro virtual onde os alunos poderão trocar experiências.

Clicking to our Home Town is an eTwinning partnership between Agrupamento de Escolas da Venda do Pinheiro inPortugal and Publiczna Szkoła Podstawowa nr 1 in Opole, Poland. The objectives of this project are in the use of IT, deepening knowledge about the European Union and establishing contacts between students from two very different countries that share the european identity and heritage.

This blog will serve as a virtual bulletin board for our students to swap experiences.

Project Description

Students gather and share information about their home towns and traditional stories (legends). They make friends through learning about their towns and cultures of their partners - they find similarities and differences.

- exchanging views and perceptions,
- promoting cultural exchanges that enable our students to have a better understanding of different regions of the European Union
- using information technology to produce content

Work plan:
1- put the students in contact with each other (comunity blog, e-mail exchages) - to the middle of March
2 - informational exchages, informally, between students, via blog and e-mail - to the middle of April
3 - creating presentations, and sending via e-mail - May/June

Sudents production
- comunity weblog
- research work about local heritage
- powerpoint presentations
- digital photography and imagery